Breville / Sage by Heston Blumenthal Barista Express Coffee Machine
- Inbuilt grinder takes you from whole beans to espresso in under a minute
- Automatic hands free dosing, delivers a consistent volume of consistently ground coffee into your filter with one-touch
- Low pressure pre-infusion gently soaks the coffee allowing it to expand prior to its high pressure extraction for a balanced taste
- High pressure steam output for barista quality milk texturing
- Separate hot water wand for pre-heating cups or making a long black or an Americano
Product Info
Key Features
The Barista Express: with Conical Burr Grinder and Dose Control
"Almost every ingredient tastes better when it's fresh and coffee is no exception."
The natural oils that give espressos and cappuccinos their rich, creamy flavours start to quickly degrade as soon as the bean is ground. This product not only grinds it fresh straight into the filter for you, it delivers the right amount of coffee too, all at the push of a button.
There are 18 grind settings from course to fine for optimal espresso extraction as well as instant hot water for making long black coffees and pre-heating cups.
Heston's Tip: Check the 'roasted on' date on the bag and if it doesn't have one don't buy it as it's almost certainly not fresh (your best chance is at your local café,– the one with the queue out the door).
Try to buy one small bag at a time so that you can use it all within a few weeks. You won't believe how much difference freshly roasted beans make. A barista will quickly tell you that the most important ingredient to deliver an amazing espresso is to use fresh beans and to grind them as close to the time of use as possible.
Actually, it's best to limit the time between grinding and extraction to seconds, not minutes. That's why Sage have built a grinder into the Barista Express espresso machine.
The in-built conical burr grinder allows you to grind only what you need directly into the portafilter. It's fully adjustable in grind size and dose, so you can tweak to taste. The patented Razor dosing tool trims the puck for consistent extraction, while PID digital temperature control delivers accurate water temperature throughout the extraction.
With a dedicated hot water outlet, impressive steam pressure and dual and single wall filters, you'll move from novice to barista in no time at all.
Sage believe that the only way to design the most innovative and useful kitchen appliances is to understand the food that they help you prepare. What better way to innovate and develop, than to collaborate with one of the world's most celebrated food thinkers - Heston Blumenthal.